
Most demanding jobs in the Bangladesh power sector

I hope everyone is fine. Today I will give a guideline on how to take job salaries and job preparation for the most demanding jobs in the Bangladesh power sector. Before starting, I will give you some reminders. Those who have already completed a diploma from electrical technology or will do it in the future, and will take job preparation for the sub-assistant engineer post in the Bangladesh power sector, this video is only for them. And I will give you a guideline on job preparation, so the video will be a little lengthy. I am requesting everyone to watch the full video, hopefully it will help you a little. If we first come to the Bangladesh power sector, then we can see the main three sections. The sections are Generation, Transmission and Distribution. There are many power companies under each section. There are two types of power companies. One type is Public Limited Company or Government ownership company . Another type is Private Limited Company. I will discuss about Public Limited Company. Because we prefer Public Limited Company to most demanding job. But don't think that Private Limited Company job is not good. In power sector, Private Limited Company job is very good. Now we will see what are the public limited companies in which section. In the generation section, there are NPCBL, APSCL, EGCB, NWPGCL, etc. In the transmission section, there is just one company and that is PGCB. And in the distribution section, there are a total of 6 companies, Tesco, Nesco, DPDC, etc. Now I come to the topic of job salary. The basic salary of the generation section companies is 40k. And the basic salary of the transmission section is 35k. And the basic salary of the distribution section is 39k. Apart from this, there is some difference in the jobs of the power company. Like the basic salary of the house is 40-60%, the medical salary, the rent salary, and if the power plant is posted, then the rent salary is given. shift duty also gives some income. There are many more income than this. I did not talk about their in details. This kind of income plus basic salary, all together the gross salary range is 65K to 70K plus in the generation section. That is, it can be more than 70K. And in the transmission section, approximately 65K can be a little more for posting. And in the distribution section, 65K-70K+. Okay, now I will talk about the job exam. If you think about the job exam, the first question that comes to you is, where is the job exam and who does the job question? Okay, the job exam is mostly done in BUET or MISD. And in some cases, the job exam is done in Dhaka Polytechnic, or in Ahasanullah or Dhaka Bishwa Biddal or in Kuwait or Rwet. This is actually a very rare case. Whatever. And when the exam is held in the same place, the same person will ask the job the requirements of the power company. Now the second question that comes to your mind is how will the question pattern be? Okay, the previous year's question analysis has shown that there are actually two parts to the question. One part is the technical part Another part is non-technical part. In the case of marks distribution, the technical part has a range of 40-60% and the non-technical part also has a range of 40-60%. Meaning, if the technical part has 40%, then the non-technical part will have 60%. If the technical part has 50%, then the non-technical part will have 50%. And if the technical part has 60%, then the non-technical part will have 40%. and total 100 marks in all exams. First, I will start with non-technical part. There are three sub-categories in non-technical part. They are Bangla English, Power Sector and General Knowledge and Analytical Math. Bangla English has 15-20 marks. For Bangla, you have to study MP3 Bangla plus Class 9-10 Bangla. And for English, you can use English for Competitive Exam from Foslulhoc's book Grammatical Topics like Appropriate Prepositions, Phrases and Idioms, Synonyms and Antonyms, Voice, Proverbs, and Write from the Verbs. If you can read these topics very well, you will be able to prepare well. Then for better preparation, you can use MP3 English from Grammatical Topics. Power sector and general knowledge have 15-20 marks in this section. First of all, you need to have strong knowledge about the Bangladesh power sector. Even this knowledge will take work in your next time. For this reason, if you search for the two websites, and, you can know everything about the Bangladesh power sector. For others general knowledge preparation, BCS question bank, recent job solution boy, recent publication plus easy computer and fact processing boy, easy publications plus BCS special group, the boy who will be the latest professor's progression, that boy will have to study. If you can study these boys, your preparation will be done. Even after that, if you want to take better preparation, then you can learn important topics from MP3 Bangladesh Affairs and MP3 International Affairs. Now I come to the analytical math part. This part is also called a lot of human sacrifice. As an engineering student, everyone is a boss in math, so definitely try to do this part well. Whatever, this part has 15-20 marks and you will have to study two more for preparation. One is IBA Math Question Bank Mentors' Progression plus CIFURS MBA Math. You have to read the same board in yellow color. Okay, this was the overall syllabus for the non-technical part. Now let's come to the technical part. For the technical part, I think first I should do a question bank type plus question analysis. Because when you take a question bank and do some research then only you will be able to find your lackings. That means you will start to feel your weakness in which places. And when you will be able to catch your weakness then only you will be able to understand how to prepare yourself. Whatever, there are some question banks in the market. I am telling you the names of the question banks one by one. One is Resonance, Royal Borrower Boy, Prime Engineering Job Solution, Prime Publications. Current Electrical Job Solution, Ehsan Publications, Perfect, Duet, Vortiguite and Job Solution. There are some other question banks in the market, but I don't know the names of all of them. However, if you search for a job preparation group on Facebook, you will get more information about the question bank. Plus, now you can order anything online, so there is nothing to worry about. that you can manage in any way. But my suggestion will be to start following any question bank first without wasting money. Anyway, there are many subjects in the technical part, I will talk one by one step by step. Before starting, I will suggest English boy for all the subjects in the technical part. Now many people may naturally ask, why English boy? Because in your diploma course, you are always following the Bengalis, right? But remember one thing, the job exam you will give, who is taking the question of the same job exam? In 95% of cases, it is shown that BUET or M.I.S.T. is taking the question plus taking the exam. Now think a little that BUET or M.I.S.T. does not have a diploma, there B.S.C. engineering is also studied and English is always followed at the B.S.C. level. That means, teachers of BUET or M.I.S.T who do job questions, they also follow English Boi. And while doing questions, they mostly set questions from English Bois based on your curriculum. That means, if you want to be successful in the job exam, you must follow English Bois. If you have not cleared your theoretical concept from Bangla Boi, there is no problem. But for job preparation, mathematical problem Plus, for some extra knowledge, you must follow the English books. Whatever, first, I am starting with the electrical circuit, that is, the part 2 of the DC and AC circuit. For this part, the fundamentals of the electric circuit, Alexander and Sadiq's book, must be followed. According to the 5th edition of this book, I will name the chapters that must be read. Chapter 2 to 4, all of them, in the middle, the 5th chapter is not for this part. and chapter 6-7 will be followed by chapter 8 and chapter 9-14 will be followed by chapter 8 and chapter 9-14 will be followed by chapter 8 and chapter 9-14 will be followed by chapter 8 and chapter 9-14 will be followed by chapter 8 and chapter 9-14 will be followed by chapter 8 and chapter 9-14 will be followed by chapter 8 and chapter 9-14 will be followed by chapter 8 and chapter 9-14 will be followed by chapter 8 and chapter 9-14 will be followed by chapter 8 and chapter 9-14 will be followed by chapter 8 and chapter 9-14 will be followed by chapter 8 and chapter 9-14 will be followed by chapter 8 and chapter 9-14 will be followed by chapter 8 and chapter 9-14 will be followed by chapter 8 and chapter 9-14 will be followed by chapter 8 and chapter 9-14 will be followed by chapter 8 and chapter 9-14 will be followed by chapter 8 and chapter 9-14 will be followed by chapter 8 and chapter 9-14 will be followed by chapter 8 and chapter 9- Next, electronics. For this part, the main topics are diode, BJT or transistor and op-amp. Diode and transistor. For these two topics, a total of two books will be followed. One is electronic device and circuit theory. From the book of Robert L. Boylstead's 9th edition, chapter 2, 3, 4, theory plus math will also be read. Another book is micro electronic circuits. From the 5th edition of Cedra Smith, Chapter 4 and 5, Theory plus Maths must be read. And for Op Amp, Fundamental of Electric Circuit, Alexander and Sadikur, Chapter 5, Theory plus Maths must be read. That is, the book I mentioned earlier for the Electrical Circuit part, that book is Chapter 5. Whatever this was the overall syllabus of the Electronics part. Next, Electrical Machine. For this part, you have to follow mainly two books. One is a textbook of electrical technology, volume 2. The book of BL-3000. From this book, chapter 26, 29, 30, 32, 33, 37, and 38. From these chapters, you have to do theory plus math very well. Some of the math in this book is very big. If you want, you can skip Big Maths if you want to know more. Because Big Maths don't usually come in Job Exams. And another book is Electric Machinery Fundamentals by Stephen J Chapman, 5th edition. From this book, you will have to study Chapter 2-9 Theory plus Maths. This was the overall syllabus of Electrical Machine Part. Next, Communication. For this part, you just have to follow one board, which is Modern Digital and Analog Communication, the board of BP Lathir. From this board, you have to read chapter 4, 5, 6. You have to do such topic related math very well. This part is actually a bit unpredictable. That's why you will understand the questions very well from the question bank. Plus, from the topics that have been asked in the previous year, you will learn those topics very well from the chapters mentioned. So that even if any topic related math comes, you can solve it. Whatever this was the syllabus of the communication part. Next, control system. which is also known as Instrumentation and Process Control Subject. Anyway, for this part, you have to read chapters 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 from the book of Control System Engineering, Norman S. Nis's 7th edition. Like communication, you have to learn the pattern of the topic from the question bank in this part. Then you have to do the topic related math from the chapter mentioned in that pattern very well. Then I will tell you the name of some topics. Damping Ratio, Natural Frequency, Transfer Function, System Stability, Gain Value, Stereostate, Error, etc. You can practice them very well. Okay, this was the overall syllabus of Control System. Next, Power System. And this is the last part. In this part, Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Power Plus switchgear and power protection, these subjects are also included. Many of you may think, what is the use of these subjects? I said it for the convenience of their understanding. Whatever, it should be said that the books that need to be followed. One is Principles of Power System, which is the book of V.K. Mehta. This book is actually very informative. It will be prepared in two ways from this book. There are many, you can see. And only for theory, chapter 16, 21, 23, 24, 25 will be read. This book will give a lot of work to the next time, so don't miss it in any way. The next book to follow is Elements of Power System Analysis. This is Stevenson's fourth edition book. The front cover of the book is also yellow. I told you that many people have problems finding this book. From this chapter, you will be able to learn Chapter 2, 6, 10, 11, 12, Theory plus Math. From these chapters, you will be able to learn Per Unit Calculation, ZY Bus Matrix Calculation, Symmetrical Unsymmetrical Faults Calculation, Zero Positive Negative Sequence Networks, and other important topics like Math. And Principles of Power System, the chapters suggested by V.K. Mehta and his wife, you will also read them very carefully. Topics, in details, nothing else to say, all chapters included, whatever it was, full syllabus for job preparation. I hope you will be successful with good preparation. If you have any problem understanding, please comment. Be well, be healthy, see you in any new video.